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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 1stPaper_LitRev, So, if we separate by functions: 1) length(spatial) 2) jointo torque. for the entire upper/lower arm 1) is already done a lot: JND for the elbow spatial properties -> thesis about angular JND of elbow + left&right arm comparison 1) and 2) are related in terms of the "joint stiffness" and this is also explored a lot. -> phase-lead model from here.=smallest torque to move the arm we're insterested in JND for the 2) => then: I might have to fix the arm rotation. not to move.(?) They mask each other. How to separate one from another? That's why we model these from the prior researches., unconscious relates to muscularskeletal system Two-way communication between the CNS & receptors, pressure and shape (depth) At which sections of our skin are we interested? palm, lower arm mechanical pressure JND or AFT, pacinian corpuscle = Lamellated corpuscle what does it do pressure and shape (depth), lower arm vibration JND or AFT, spatial sensory info. (internal neural model built in CNS) both covered: that's the joitn- stiffness Long-Latency and Voluntary Responses to an Arm Displacement Can Be Rapidly Attenuated By Perturbation Offset, senses light touch (dynamic deformation) At which sections of our skin are we interested? palm, 4 major receptors under the skin 2 Meissner corpuscle = Tactile corpuscle, what is the proprioceptive sensory information (=kinesthesia=movement sense): CNS to detect changes in the joint position/movement + move limbs without losing balance whether intervention of the conscious conscious, What are the mechanoreceptor for the tactile feedback to where should I refer?, eye-limb coordination how does it relate to the unconscious field? CNS needs both spindles feedback and conscious input to register a certain motion's angle and speed that the muscle has achieved., 4 major receptors under the skin 3 Merkel cell, Two-way communication between the CNS & receptors CNS -> receptors receptors keep track of the joint position by utilizing the stretch receptor, senses light touch (dynamic deformation) At which sections of our skin are we interested? upper arm, 4 major receptors under the skin 1 pacinian corpuscle = Lamellated corpuscle, muscle fiber contraction (strength of effort being employed in movement) -> stiffness detection -> relative spatial recognition So: proprioceptive sensation driven by the JTF is due to the muscle fibers spatial sensory info. (internal neural model built in CNS), unconscious relates to muscularskeletal system [2] golgi tendon organ, pacinian corpuscle = Lamellated corpuscle what does it do skin stretch, skin stretch At which sections of our skin are we interested? upper arm