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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group D CMAP 5 Hernia Repairs, Intra-Operative Procedures which indicates the procedures for Post-Operative Procedures, Surgical Repair Procedures requires Anaesthesia and Monitoring, Hernias which can be used to Treat Hernias, Treatment Options /Procedures must cover Costs, Drugs can be used for Constant Rate Infusion, Treatment Options /Procedures must cover Prognosis, Physical Examination Helps to determine ASA Grade, Medical/ Conservative Methods include Support Bandages, Surgical Repair Procedures But one must evaluate Indications for Surgical Repair, Drugs can be used for Anaesthesia/ Sedation, Possible/Risk Complications Intra-operative, Treatment Options /Procedures Which starts with the Pre-Operative Procedures, Large Animal Surgery Lab 5 Investigated and treated different types of Herniations and Umbilical Masses, Treatment Options /Procedures must cover Drugs, Anatomical Structures provide information on Hernias, Herniations and Umbilical Masses Which required knowledge of Prerequisite Information, Client Communication Drugs, Hernias which can be used to Differentiate Hernia Types, Treatment Options /Procedures must cover Welfare Concerns, Client Communication Prevention