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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Addiction Paper- Debby, decrease in ethanol was not caused by agonist-induced changes within general reward sensitivity, 2 bottle choice study with results in Figure 1, 10 mg/kg agonist which reduced both ethanol intake and TFI, decrease in ethanol preference and intake shown in the 2 bottle choice study, agonist group showing drop in ethanol intake, Gpr39 which modulates excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission leading to the hypothesis: increasing it's activity would decrease alcohol intake, prevent ethanol escalation AI-2BC study with results in Figure 3, an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory nuerotransmission by increasing GABA and glycine receptors, a potent and selective agonist for Gpr39, TC-G 1008 has specificity for alcohol preference, decreasing glutamate receptors which contributes to bias towards inhibition, agonist was given to the agonist group, no effect on saccharin intake which explains that decrease in ethanol was not caused by agonist-induced changes, prevent ethanol escalation AI-2BC study seen in Session 14 (challenge day), hypermethylated and downregulated by excessive alcohol consumption, agonist group showing low ethanol intake, vehicle group showing no significant decline, 2 bottle choice study using 5 mg/kg agonist, Gpr39 is a type of G-protein coupled receptor