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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Addiction Paper- Sophie, increase of Bdnf in ethanol agonist treated mice which can lead to limited further ethanol intake after treatment, reestablish pathways that promote Bdnf's effect on neuronal plasticity, Methods Testing Ethanol intake, limited further ethanol intake after treatment due to Bdnf's effect on neuronal plasticity, excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission mainly geared toward inhibiotry transmission, Fig. 3 which also tested if the behaviroal effects agonist we reversible, if the behaviroal effects agonist we reversible which found that the behavioral effects were reversible, Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a chronic condition, gene candidate specifically GPR39, GPR39 specifically the GPR39 agonist, TC-G 1008, GPR39 agonist, TC-G 1008 may be able to reestablish pathways, GPR39 on interplay of ethanol and zinc, the agaonist had little effect on locomotor activity, locomotor activity shown in Fig. 3, FDA medications including acamprosate, depressant although Further studies are needed, Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) currently treated with FDA medications, Methods using Whole-cell patch clamp recordings, Methods showing the agaonist had little effect, alcohol abuse because it is a known depressant