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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Nikki Schnoke's Addiction Primary Article Map, Gpr39 Agonist (TC-G 1008) is hypothesized to increase Gpr39 activity, the nucleus accumbens core (NAcc) which plays a role in the reward circuit of the brain, Gpr39 Agonist is a potential treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), decreases in EtOH licks as seen in Fig. 1a, increase Gpr39 activity and reduce alcohol intake, affects in the NAcc such as the gene expression, the G-protein coupled receptor 39 is a Zn2+ binding metabotropic receptor, increased causes enhanced glutamate release, ethanol escalation because mice under an IA-2BC paradigm (Fig 3), Gpr39 which is the G-protein coupled receptor 39, Fig. 1f & 1h by Statistical Analysis, Fig 2b & 2c which shows agonist mice move similar to vehicle mice, Fig 2b & 2c by Statistical Analysis, Gpr39 Agonist (TC-G 1008) caused no changes in locomotor activity (LMA), the G-protein coupled receptor 39 which is hypermethylated, depressant which potentiates GABA receptors, Fig. 1f & 1h which means Gpr39 Agonist is a potential treatment, the G-protein coupled receptor 39 which is found in the nucleus accumbens core (NAcc), increased in (AUD) because alcohol, mice are under a DID-2BC paradigm as seen in Figure 1