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(1) Procedure - Simple Interrupted Suturing Technique.url Abdominal Vicersa of Different Ages of Cow and Their Physiologi.jpg ALL DETAILS INCLUDED HERE.url ANAESTHESIA FOR RESECTION AND ANASTAMOSIS.url ANATOMY DANNY 3.jpg Animal welfare.png Assistant holding bowel segments during anastomosis.jpg Assistant uses his fingers to across the bowel to reduce spillage.jpg Background!.jpg Background 1.jpg BACKGROUND 2 DAN.jpg Background a.jpg BACKGROUND DAN.jpg Bovine Intestinal tract schematic.jpg Cannula and normal saline solution being used to check for fluid leakage.jpg Checking for any leaks in the simple continuous suture pattern on the teat - Google Drive.url Chlorohexidine Surgical Scrub Solution.jpg Classifcation of Teat Lacerations.jpg DANNY 1 ANATOMY.jpg DANNY ANATOMY 2.jpg DeBakey Atraumatic Forceps.jpg Declaration Statement.png DIFFERENT ORIFICE STRUCTURAL DEFECT.jpg Doyen Clamp.jpg ethicon vicryl absorb suture and needle.jpg Farm Inhumane Practices.jpg Foreign Body Removal.url Foreign body removed.jpg Full Thickness Teat Laceration Repair Procedure.jpg Further Removal of the diseased bowel section.jpg GIT resection & anastomoses.url Grades of Rectal Prolapse.png Greater Omentum attached to the Stomach Wall and the dorsal bod.jpg Horizontal Mattress Suture.url Intra-Operative.cmap Intro.cmap Laparotomy Sponges.png Normal Saline.jpg Partial Thickness Teat Laceration Repair Procedure.jpg Povidone Iodine Surgical Scrub Solution.jpg PREOP SEPARATE CMAP.cmap Reconnecting bowel segments.jpg Rectal Prolapse.url Removing the diseased section of bowel between the clamps.jpg RESECTION AND ANASTOMOSIS.url Section of cow's teat and lactiferous sinus.jpg Silk Suture Material.jpg Simple Continuous Suture Pattern.jpg Simple Continuous Suture Pattern.url Simple Continuous Suture Pattern closing the skin.jpg STANDING FOR SURGERY.jpg Surgical Drape.png Surgical Enterectomy Procedure.png Surgical Enterotomy Procedure.jpg Surgical-field-kit.png Surgical Prolapse Repair Procedure.png Suture Material Used To Repair Teat Laceration.jpg Suturing Teat.jpg Teat Anatomy.jpg Teat Anatomy.url Teat Anatomy 1 b.jpg Teat Laceration.jpg Teat laceration repair.url Teat Laceration showing the mucosal layer.jpg Types of Teat Lacerations.jpg Udder Infusion Cannula.jpg Variations in the form of bovine teat extremity.jpg