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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAB 6 Final, Prophylactic hoof trimming can expose Solar abscess, cut DDF tendon at insertion and resect proximally step 5 expose distal sessamoid and remove if necrotic, 8.Heel depth should be measured at the heel-wall juncture (outside of claw) from just below the hairline to thebottom of the sole. Only trim horn from the heel when this measurement is more than 1.5 inches (3.75 cm) 9. Evaluate claw and heel balance: hold front walls of both claws together and place a flat object across both toes, across both heels,and from toe-to-heel on both claws. No light should be visible underneath the flat surface for heel and toe-to-heel measurements Note: Once the toe is trimmed to the correct length, trim sole flat and spare the heel, 2. If using a rope halter, be sure to tie them off with a quick release knot and pay attention during the trimming process (m.o) 3. Grasp one leg by the pastern (ankle) & bend it back 4. First use a brush to remove surface dirt & then with the point of closed shears, carefully scrape away debris., 2. Keep feet resting on a portable stock or a solid board for convenience in trimming hooves. 3. Start by measuring from the front wall (just below the hairline to the tip of toe) of the inside claw on the hind feet. 4.Start with inside claw and trim to the appropriate length – 7.5cm for a small suckler cow or 8-8.5cm for larger breeds., Hoof Trimming General Information, insert drain using buhner needle step 9b suture incision, examine surface to ensure no signs of damage or necrosis beyond the DIP joint step 6b signs of damage beyond joint create incision proximal to the dew claw of affected digit, Pre-operative procedures Entails Examination, Doe .1. Restrain goat in a standing position by either placing goat on a milking stand (m.o) 2. If using a rope halter, be sure to tie them off with a quick release knot and pay attention during the trimming process (m.o), 4. First use a brush to remove surface dirt & then with the point of closed shears, carefully scrape away debris. 5.Pry open & snip off the outer hoof wall flap folded under the hoof 6.Trim down to the white sole, following a growth ring parallel to the hairline, Digit amputation methods through proximal phalanx (P2, application of block on healthy digit step 5 joint lavage daily for 1 week, trim sole and heel step 3 make horizontal incision 2 cm proximal to coronary band on the palmar or plantar aspect of second phalanx, Intra-operative procedures Solar abscess, aseptic prep of limb step 2 incision of interdigital skin to level of the phalanx being amputated, axially, restaint . 2. Keep feet resting on a portable stock or a solid board for convenience in trimming hooves., Pre-operative procedures Entails Farmer compliance (m.o), Distance & physical exams involves distance exam, examination of foot checking the interdigital spaces