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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Castration Techniques, 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe followed by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and external spermatic fascia. 2. The tunica vaginalis is incised cranial to and just above the testis. The testis is exteriorised. 3. The blood vessels are identified and ligated, followed by ligation of the entire vaginal process. 4. The testicle and epididymis are then removed by emasculation. 5. This is repeated for the other testis., CLOSED (scroll over) 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe followed by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and external spermatic fascia., 2. The tunica vaginalis is incised cranial to and just above the testis. The testis is exteriorised. 3. The blood vessels are identified and ligated, followed by ligation of the entire vaginal process. 4. The testicle and epididymis are then removed by emasculation. 5. This is repeated for the other testis. The incision is not closed. It is left to drain and close by second intention. The horse is left to rest for 24 hours., CASTRATION can be performed OPEN (scroll over), 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe followed by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and external spermatic fascia. 2. The vaginal process is then bluntly dissected. 3. The testis is pulled distally while still covered with the tunica vaginalis, and 1-2 ligatures can be placed as proximally as possible. 4. At least 2cm distal to the ligature(s), an emasculator can be used to transect the sac. 5. This is repeated for the other testis., CASTRATION can be performed CLOSED (scroll over), 2. The vaginal process is then bluntly dissected. 3. The testis is pulled distally while still covered with the tunica vaginalis, and 1-2 ligatures can be placed as proximally as possible. 4. At least 2cm distal to the ligature(s), an emasculator can be used to transect the sac. 5. This is repeated for the other testis. The incision is not closed. It is left to drain and close by second intention. The horse is left to rest for 24 hours., CASTRATION can be performed SEMI-CLOSED (scroll over), OPEN (scroll over) has Advantages (scroll over), CLOSED (scroll over) has Disadvantages (scroll over), SEMI-CLOSED (scroll over) 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe followed by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and external spermatic fascia., CLOSED (scroll over) has Advantages (scroll over), OPEN (scroll over) has Disadvantages (scroll over), 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe 2. The incision is continued by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and scrotal fascia, leaving the tunica vaginalis intact. 3. The scrotal ligament is broken using fingers. 4. A similar longitudinal incision is made into the tunica vaginalis, and the testis is exteriorised. 5. The testis is pulled distally, and the spermatic vessels, the ductus deferens and the epididymis are identified. 6. The emasculator is placed on the cord as proximally as possible, ensuring it is placed transversely and is not trapping skin, and crushes the vessels for 30 seconds to 4 minutes. 7. In the case of a young horse, the tissue can be crushed using the emasculator. 8. In the case of an older/mature horse, the spermatic vessels are crushed first. Then the vaginal process, ductus deferens, ligaments and cremaster muscle are crushed. 9. This is repeated for the other testis. The incision is not closed. It is left to drain and close by second intention. The horse is left to rest for 24 hours., OPEN (scroll over) 1. A longitudinal incision (~4-5 cm depending on size of testis) is made lateral to the median raphe 2. The incision is continued by cutting through the skin, tunica dartos and scrotal fascia, leaving the tunica vaginalis intact. 3. The scrotal ligament is broken using fingers. 4. A similar longitudinal incision is made into the tunica vaginalis, and the testis is exteriorised. 5. The testis is pulled distally, and the spermatic vessels, the ductus deferens and the epididymis are identified. 6. The emasculator is placed on the cord as proximally as possible, ensuring it is placed transversely and is not trapping skin, and crushes the vessels for 30 seconds to 4 minutes. 7. In the case of a young horse, the tissue can be crushed using the emasculator. 8. In the case of an older/mature horse, the spermatic vessels are crushed first. Then the vaginal process, ductus deferens, ligaments and cremaster muscle are crushed. 9. This is repeated for the other testis., SEMI-CLOSED (scroll over) has Disadvantages (scroll over), SEMI-CLOSED (scroll over) has Advantages (scroll over)