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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: sheila part copy - Metal Coping Design, 1.0 to 2.0 mm wide purpose minimize destruction of tooth structure, incisal edge of the tooth preparation, First premolar usual required design complete porcelain coverage of the occlusal surfaces of metal-ceramic crowns placed on them, not exposed to any occlusal forces it is prone to premature failure, Mandibular Posterior Teeth classified into Second premolar, Mandibular Posterior Teeth classified into First premolar, Thickness of the Porcelain Veneer a porcelain that is relatively thin, of uniform thickness and supported by rigid metal, Thickness of the metal underlying and adjoining the porcelain should be at least 0.3 to 0.5 mm thick, Extent of the area to be veneered for porcelain Metal Collar Width Lingual surface, areas with deficiencies caused by caries, tooth fracture, or previous restoration in the interproximal areas, Maxillary Posterior Teeth Advantage for recommended design more resistance to fracture, the overlying veneer will be subject to compressive rather than shearing forces, An outer junction of porcelain to metal that is at a right angle (90 degrees) If edge of metal at the porcelain-metal junction line is beveled or rounded, areas with deficiencies caused by caries, tooth fracture, or previous restoration in the incisal edge, Support of the porcelain veneer should have Metal, Metal that is contoured, edge of metal at the porcelain-metal junction line is beveled or rounded then the porcelain will end in a feathered edge, an acute angle of metal at the metal-porcelain interface is more likely to produce porcelain crazing, An outer junction of porcelain to metal that is at a right angle (90 degrees) wherein an acute angle of metal at the metal-porcelain interface, minimize destruction of tooth structure for facial shoulder