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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: INTRA OP 1, INTRA OP Procedure Steps, Methods (MO) via Low Digit Disarticulation with DDFT Tenotomy, Hoof Trimming how Methods (MO), Digit Removal ensure Precautions (MO), Methods (MO) using Cutting/Grinding Grinder, INTRA OP Procedure Steps, Digit Removal how Methods (MO), INTRA OP Procedure Digit Removal, Digit Removal why Indications (MO), Hoof Trimming why Indications (MO), INTRA OP Procedure Safety(MO), Methods (MO) via High Digit Amputation using Gigli wire, Hoof Trimming ensure Precautions (MO), INTRA OP Procedure Pain Management (MO), Methods (MO) using Hoof knife & cutter, Methods (MO) variations *Cattle vs. Goats (MO), INTRA OP Procedure Hoof Trimming