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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAB 6 SURGERIES OF THE EYE, Intra-Operative Management such as Anaesthesia, Post- Op ???? Topical drugs, Intra-Operative Management such as Steps taken to avoid complications, Pre- Op which includes Sedation, Intra-Operative Management such as Monitoring Protocol, Pre- Op which includes Analgesia, Intra-Operative Management such as Considerations, Pre- Op which includes Asepsis, Pre- Op which includes Signalment, SURGERIES OF THE EYE ???? Post- Op, Post- Op ???? Position of the animal, Intra-Operative Management such as Equipment used, Post- Op ???? Considerations, Post- Op ???? Surgical Site Cleaning, Pre- Op which includes Nerve Blocks, Pre- Op which includes Considerations to be made, Pre- Op which includes Equipment to be used, Pre- Op which includes Physical Exam, Intra-Operative Management such as Findings on Physical Exam, Post- Op ???? Client Educaiton