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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAB 2 DEHORNING & DISBUDDING, Intra Op ???? Equipments used, Cleaning for Dehorning (mouse over), Steps to avoid complications starting with 1. Ensure that individuals performing the dehorning procedure are adequately trained, educated and experienced. This includes understanding the anatomy of the horns and the correct techniques for dehorning., 5. Use the appropriate method for dehorning (e.g., hot iron, caustic paste, or saw), depending on the age and size of the animal. Follow manufacturer guidelines for equipment usage. Apply the dehorning instrument correctly and efficiently to minimize trauma. Avoid excessive pressure or heat, which can damage surrounding tissue. Do not leave the cautery for more than 8-10 seconds fpr calves, and more than 15-20 seconds for cattle because you cn get thermal meningitis. to 6. Monitor the animal for signs of infection, excessive bleeding, or other complications after dehorning. Apply appropriate wound care, such as antiseptics or antibiotics, as recommended by a veterinarian., Local Anesthetic Lidocaine 2% dose used & ROA 0.2 mg/kg x 400 kg / 20 mg/ml SQ, Dehorning such as Callicrate Bander, Pre Op TO Intra Op, Xylazine 20% dose used & ROA 0.025 mg/kg x 400 kg /20mg/ml IV, Local Anesthetic Lidocaine 2% duration 60- 90 mins, Post Op Cleaning, Ketamine 10% MOA Ketamine's noncompetitive and nonspecific antagonism of the N-methy l D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors provides its analgesic effects. The receptors are activated by two excitatory neurotransmitters (glutamate and glycine) during sustained nociception in the spinal cord dorsal horn., Post Op Topicals, Nerve Block used Cornual Nerve Block, Restraint such as Nose Pinch, Dehorning (mouse over) post op meds Drugs (mouse over), Follow up for Dehorning (mouse over), Banamine Flunixin meglumine withdrawl period Milk: 36 hours Slaughter: 4 days, Local Anesthetic Lidocaine 2% toxic dose 10 mg/kg, Xylazine 20% duration Aprox 30 - 45 mins, General Anesthetic such as Xylazine 20%