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AMPUTATIONS Intra-operative Considerations Post-Operative Consoderations Pre-Operative Considerations Pre-Requisite knowledge 5 step trimming.png Anatomy.png Angle cardboard cutout.jpg angle grinder.png Angle grinder hoof trimming demonstration.url appropriate sole thickness.png ASA GRADING.jpg Balance heels.png benefits.png Bkgrd.png Block Application.url blood stop powder.jpg causes of lameness.png Causes of lamness.png conformation.png dishing vid.mp4 dr paul demonstrating improprer PPE.jpg DRUGS AND DOSAGES.png DRUGS AND WITHDRAWAL TIMES.png dutch.png excessive removal of abaxial wall.png Excessive trimming of the heel of the inner claw of the rear foot.png flatten surface.png Frontlimb restraint.png glasses.jpeg gloves.jpeg Grinder with small squares.jpg grinder with small squares in action.mp4 groupphoto.jpeg heel depth.png Hindlimb restraint.png Hoof block.jpeg hoof checker.jpg hoof issues.pdf Hoof knife 1.jpeg hoof knife 2.jpeg hoof knife sharpener.jpg Hoof tester vid.url hoof triming chute.jpg Hoof Trimming and Digital Amputation.cmap HOOF TRIMMING with MANUAL TOOLS!! _ KNIVES and NIPPERS COW HOOF TRIMMING 🐄.mp4 How to use the Merlin.url Indications kash.png leg lift.jpg leg lift 2.jpg Local Blocks.url locomotion scoring.png locomotion-scoring.jpg Locomotion Scoring Explained.png Locomotion Scoring Visual.jpeg measuring CP.jpeg measuring vid.mp4 merlin.jpeg modeling.png nippers.jpeg nippers 2.jpeg normal angles.png Open toes.png Overgrown hoof.png ppe.png predilection sites.png Procedure.url procedure 1.png protractor.jpeg rasp.jpg rasp video.mp4 Regular grinder sanding disk.jpg regular grinder sanding disk in action.mp4 Relieve weight.png Removal of the axial wall of the toe of the inner or outer claw.png ruler in use to determine amount left to be removed.mp4 safety during surgery.png Shortening of the toe without proper reduction of sole thickness.png Tendon Resection.url tester.jpeg tester application.jpeg toe length.png tools kash.png trimming knife vid.mp4 trimming toes too short.png trim rob pic.jpeg ulcer.jpg University of Minesota Site.url Vetlexicon Site.url Video Procedure.url weight distribution.png why trim.png