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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Rectal prolapse correction, 3. Construct a stairstep and subsequently amputate 3cm from the initial circular incision's caudal side. Step 4 4, Use additional tissue from the inner mucosal layer to alleviate the tension on the circular suture., Amputation Technique 3 Replacement and Purse String Suture, Replacement and Purse String Suture Indication 2 Incomplete prolapse with mucosal injury, Begin by creating two circular incisions through the mucosa on each side of the targeted tissue for removal. Then, at the same depth, make a lengthwise incision to connect these circular cuts. Step 5 Eliminate the affected tissue collar from the healthy submucosal plane using blunt dissection. Control any bleeding either through swab pressure or by ligating the blood vessels., Stairstep amputation Step 1 1. Begin by placing a plastic syringe casing into the rectum's cavity, followed by using two hypodermic needles in a cross-pin fixation to stabilize the prolapsed rectum during the suturing process., Procedure Step 1 1. Begin by placing a suitably sized flexible tube into the prolapse's interior, securing it with a cross pin fixation to stabilize the prolapse during the surgery., 4, Use additional tissue from the inner mucosal layer to alleviate the tension on the circular suture. Step 5 Take out the hypodermic needles and syringe casing, then apply a purse-string suture., Complete prolapse Procedure 1. Correction can be made using brown sugar or epsom salt if the mucosa is still moist and not dry and necrotic thereby reducting the prolapse by brownian motion or facillitated diffusion. 2. After reduction the prolapse is pushed into the rectum until a pop is heard which suggestive of returning to it normal position., Incomplete prolapse with mucosal injury Procedure 1, Use a purse-string suture to replace and close the subcutaneous peri-anal skin. 2. When inserting the needle, ensure it enters ventrally and exits dorsally, leaving a minimum length of non-absorbable material exposed to potential contamination. 3. Tie the suture in a bow on the ventral side to enable gradual, controlled loosening. 4. The suture should permit the passage of feces while preventing re-prolapse., 2. Insert two 2-inch, 18-gauge needles at a 90-degree angle close to the anal opening, positioned across the prolapse. The needles should traverse the tissue, with the tubing emerging on the opposite side. Step 3 To realign the mucosa, four separate interrupted sutures are evenly spaced around the perimeter of the prolapse., Amputation + Stairstep amputation, Replacement and Purse String Suture Indication 1 Complete prolapse, 1. Begin by placing a suitably sized flexible tube into the prolapse's interior, securing it with a cross pin fixation to stabilize the prolapse during the surgery. Step 2 2. Insert two 2-inch, 18-gauge needles at a 90-degree angle close to the anal opening, positioned across the prolapse. The needles should traverse the tissue, with the tubing emerging on the opposite side., 1. Begin by placing a plastic syringe casing into the rectum's cavity, followed by using two hypodermic needles in a cross-pin fixation to stabilize the prolapsed rectum during the suturing process. Step 2 2. Create a circular incision cranial to the necrotic region, taking care to avoid cutting the inner mucosa and submucosa., Eliminate the affected tissue collar from the healthy submucosal plane using blunt dissection. Control any bleeding either through swab pressure or by ligating the blood vessels. Step 6 Join the four quadrants individually using either a simple continuous or simple interrupted pattern for each section., Submucosal Resection Technique 2 Amputation, 2. Create a circular incision cranial to the necrotic region, taking care to avoid cutting the inner mucosa and submucosa. Step 3 3. Construct a stairstep and subsequently amputate 3cm from the initial circular incision's caudal side., Incomplete prolapse without mucosal injury Procedure The tear can either be sutured the tear or a submucosal resection or rectal amputation may be performed., Rectal Prolapse Correction Technique 1 Submucosal Resection, Amputation + Rectal Ring Attachment