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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Distance and Physical exam, Distance Exam Observe if animal is bright, alert, responsive, Physical Exam other normal assessments lung sounds, ruminal contractions, CRT mucous membranes etc., Preoperative Considerations (MO) important component Physical Exam, Distance Exam includes assessment of environmental setting Water troughs , feed, ground, faecal content and urine content., Preoperative Considerations (MO) important component Distance Exam, Physical Exam take rectal temperature heart rate and pulse rate, Distance Exam Observe if animal is lame, Distance Exam Observe if animal Interaction with other animals, Distance Exam Estimate BCS and Body weight, Distance Exam Observe if animal no obvious signs of mastitis (swollent, reddened teats), Physical Exam IMPORTANT TO palpate testicles, ensure both testicles are descended, ensure there are no accompanying structures in the testicle (inguincal hernia) nor pain or any other abnormalties on palpation., Distance Exam Observe if animal exhibits normal respiration, Distance Exam Observe if animal has normal gait and posture, symmetry, Preoperative Considerations (MO) client information Enquire vaccination status with respect to Tetanus especially in case of small ruminants, Distance Exam Observe if animal has normal scrotal conformation and symmetry and two descended testicles