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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Extra label drug use, EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS drugs used in castration procedure Lidocaine 2%, Xylazine 2% Reasons for extra label use 1. To provide sedation for animal. 2. minimize stress and discomfort during drug adminstration and surgical procedure. 3. Facilitate ease of restraint and handling., EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS drugs used in castration procedure Flunixin, EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS defined as use of an approved drug in a manner that is not in accordance with the approved label directions. – e.g. indication, species, dosage level, frequency, route of administration, Ketamine 10% Reasons for extra label use 1. To provide sedation for animal. 2. minimize stress and discomfort during drug adminstration and surgical procedure. 3. Facilitate ease of restraint and handling., EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS drugs used in castration procedure Xylazine 2%, EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS drugs used in castration procedure Ketamine 10%, Lidocaine 2% Reason for extra label use 1. provide LOCAL ANAESTHESIA! 2. Immediate and short duration analgesic effect ~ 1hr, EXTRA LABEL USE DRUGS have Withdrawal times (MO), Flunixin why use? 1. Provide pain relief during and after surgical procedure (provides analgesic effect in addition to Lidocaine 2% however for a longer duration of time.