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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Suture Anastomoses - Procedure, How to Suture Anatomosis? Step 1 - A Incision along the midline of the abdomen is made, long enough to accomodate exploration through the abdomen - Once the affected intestinal segment has been found and isolate with saline-moisture laparotomy sponges, Step 1 - A Incision along the midline of the abdomen is made, long enough to accomodate exploration through the abdomen - Once the affected intestinal segment has been found and isolate with saline-moisture laparotomy sponges ???? Step 3 - The ingesta is now milked away from the affected segment using your fingers (This can be done by an assisstant), Step 3 - The ingesta is now milked away from the affected segment using your fingers (This can be done by an assisstant) ???? Step 5 Suturing (simple interrupted) - All knots must be extraluminal , and sutured by 3/o or 4/o -The first suture is placed at the mesenteric border - The second suture is placed to appose the antimesenteric border. - All sutures must be within 2-3 mm apart along the side closest to the anastomosis,and include the entire thickness of the bowel, Step 5 Suturing (simple interrupted) - All knots must be extraluminal , and sutured by 3/o or 4/o -The first suture is placed at the mesenteric border - The second suture is placed to appose the antimesenteric border. - All sutures must be within 2-3 mm apart along the side closest to the anastomosis,and include the entire thickness of the bowel ???? Step 7 - Once sutures are completed, flush warm sterline saline over the site of the procedure and the adjacent lenghts of the bowel. -Close the mesentery with a continuous suture pattern.