LNG Steam Simulator Exercise

020. Run the Simulator to Start Distiller

[Load Snapshot "Ex_020_Changing Over from DO to HFO_Burning"]

- Asssume scenario as described below [but check to confirm] and then follow the given procedures

Electrical Power:-

Shore Power:Off; Emergency Generator:Auto Stand-by; Turbo Generators:One on load and the other off; Diesel Generator:On Load


Full with guage glass reading between 60~70 mm

Both Boilers:-

Both Boiler Press - aboout 6 Mpa; Both boilers are running on HFO supply.


Condenser Vacuum is Satisfactory and Cooling on

Distilled Water Tank (DWT) & Atmospheric Drain Tank (ADT):-

Both DWT & ADT about 60% full.

>> Procedure to run up the Distiller:-

Main Distrib:
1 Close the Evaporator SW Pump Breaker
2 Close the Distillate pump Breaker
3 Open the SW suction to SW Feed pump Valve
4 Open both inlet and outlet SW Feed Pump valves
5 Start the SW Feed Pump
6 Open the Distiller SW feed inlet and outlet valves
7 Open the Distillate pump inlet and outlet valves
8 Open the Distillate Water Tank feed valve
9 Open the Air Ejector Valve
10 Open the De-Superheater Steam inlet and outlet valves
11 Start the Distillate Pump

Distillate flow to the Distilled Water Tank is indicated

If the DWT is dumping water to the ADT then the level in the DWT may not be rising.
When the condensate regulators settle and the ADT has >-5 inches of water the DWT dump to the ADT will stop (DWT to ADT regulator valve closes) and the DWT level will rise.


1) Check Knowledgebase - .........