LNG Steam Simulator Exercise

004. Run the Simulator to Put Boiler Control & Drum Level Controllers to AUTO

[Load Snapshot "Ex_004_Bth Blr Prss ~ 1.5MPa - Put Blrs on AUTO" in the Simulator]

- Asssume scenario as described below [but check to confirm] and then follow the given procedures

Electrical Power:-

Shore Power:Off; Emergency Generator:Auto Stand-by; Both Turbo Generators:Off; Diesel Generator:On


Full with guage glass reading between 60~70 mm

Both Boilers:-

Both boilers on low fire. Both Boiler Press ~ about 1.5MPa; Both steam stop valves closed.
Water level normal in each gauge glass

Distilled Water Tank (DWT) & Atmospheric Drain Tank (ADT):-

Both DWT & ADT about 60% full.

>> Procedures for setting boiler controls on AUTO & Preapre Drum Level Controllers (Pre-requisite before starting Turbo Feed Pump).

Boiler Ctrls:
1 Set the Feed Pump Stbd and Port PID controllers to Auto.
2 Set the Drum Level Stbd and Port PID controllers to Auto.
3 Set the Steam Temp Stbd and Port PID controllers to Auto
Stbd/Port Boiler:
1 Open the Feedwater motorized stop valve (located before the Drum Level Controller)
2 Open Drum Level Controller inlet and outlet cutout valves
3 Open Economiser bypass valve


1) Check Knowledgenase - KB_001 [Critical]