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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: IA research Enterprise - Master-D1, Assessing the Practices of Public Scholarship (APPS) advisory role ???? ????, IA Research Enterprise Core projects developed around the Civic Purposes of Higher Education Assessing the Practices of Public Scholarship (APPS) advisory role, Collaboratories including ????, Staff including Work Study students, IA Research Enterprise Emerging projects with research dimesions Collaboratories, Publicly Engaged Scholars Aspirations and Decisions Lead manifesting in ????, Staff including Postdoc, ???? including APPS ??, relationship building policies/collaboration agreements with National Partners Associations and Networks, IA Research Enterprise Core projects developed around the Civic Purposes of Higher Education Non IA Specific American Commonwealth Project core lead team senior research advisor, Staff including Doctoral student (s), IA Research Enterprise Core IA Programs PAGE, Collaboratories including TTI REsearch Group, IA Research Enterprise coordinated through Staff, Tenure Team Initiative on Public Scholarship (TTI) - Faculty Roles & Rewards Lead manifesting in "Scholarship In Public", Tenure Team Initiative on Public Scholarship (TTI) - Faculty Roles & Rewards Lead manifesting in Regional meetings, Tenure Team Initiative on Public Scholarship (TTI) - Faculty Roles & Rewards Lead manifesting in ????, IA Research Enterprise Core projects developed around the Civic Purposes of Higher Education Tenure Team Initiative on Public Scholarship (TTI) - Faculty Roles & Rewards Lead, ???? including ????, ???? including TTI REsearch Group