IHMC Public Cmaps (3)

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                Literacies, Transferable Knowledge and Skills

                    Data literacy
                    Digital Citizenship
                    Digital Literacies
                    Psychological literacy and Citizenship
                    Social Literacies
                    Spatial literacies
                    Visual Literacies
                    14 Ways to Acquire Knowledge - A Timeless Guide from 1936.url
                    21st Century Fluency Project.url
                    21st Century Literacies.url
                    21st Century Skills, Literacies and Fluency.url
                    A defintion of digital literacy.url
                    A manifesto for media education.url
                    A mini-course on infotention.url
                    Analyzing digital literacy with a single simple tweet.url
                    A new curriculum for information literacy.url
                    A New Curriculum for Information Literacy - wiki.url
                    Angela Maiers.url
                    A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies - Designing Social Futures.url
                    Arcadia Project.url
                    Awesome Concepts for Effectively Teaching Media Fluency Skills.url
                    Capturing literacy learners - Evaluating a reading programme using popular novels and films with subtitles.url
                    chat literacy.url
                    CILIP - Information Literacy.url
                    Cloudworks - Developing Digital Capability.url
                    Cloudworks - Digital Literacies Pilot Materials.url
                    Cloudworks - Information LIteracy.url
                    Competences, capabilities and personal attributes, from a range of frameworks, mapped to stages of development.url
                    Computing Literacy - video.url
                    Connecting the Digital Dots - Literacy of the 21st Century.url
                    Consequences of a digital literacy review - moving from terminology to action.url
                    Critical digital literacy.url
                    Defining digital literacy - What do young people need to know about digital media.url
                    Digital and Information literacy - Cloudworks.url
                    Digital Futures in Teacher Education.url
                    Digital Literacies and Emerging Technologies.url
                    Digital Literacies - A research briefing.url
                    Digital Literacies - Concepts, Policies and Practices.url
                    Digital literacies in HE - constructive dialogue between teachers and students.url
                    Digital Literacies - Lou McGill - Video.url
                    Digital Literacy.url
                    Digital Literacy, Computer Literacy and Media Literacy - Is this as important as Numeracy and English.url
                    Digital literacy 1 -What digital literacies.url
                    Digital Literacy - 2 - Scoop.it.url
                    Digital literacy 3 - Crossing the divide.url
                    Digital Literacy Course - Module One.url
                    Digital Literacy Debate Home.url
                    Digital Literacy Definition and Resources.url
                    Digital literacy introduction for academic staff.url
                    Digital Literacy Is In Crisis.url
                    Digital literacy is key to unlocking the value of online resources says the HEA and JISC.url
                    Digital Literacy Library.url
                    Digital Literacy - Lou McGill.url
                    Digital literacy resources for teachers and students.url
                    Digital Literacy - Scoop.it.url
                    digital literacy - tools and resources for increased digital literacy - Scoop.it.url
                    Digitally Ready.url
                    DL conceptual frameworks.url
                    Doug Belshaw - Research - Digital Literacies.url
                    Draft Proposal - Multi-stakeholder platform for digital literacy and e-Inclusion.url
                    Educating the Digital Generation.url
                    Einstein, YouTube, and New Media Literacies in the Connected Age.url
                    Exploring open approaches towards digital literacy.url
                    Facebook - Multi-stakeholder platform for digital literacy and e-Inclusion.url
                    Framework Of Frameworks.url
                    Future directions for information literacy - key trends, priorities and implications.url
                    Google search - 21st century skills framework.url
                    Growing Knowledge shifts perceptions of digital research tools.url
                    How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century.url
                    IL landscape - mindmap.url
                    Inforati - Information Literacy Toolbox.url
                    Information Literacy.url
                    Information Literacy And Digital Literacy - Life Long Learning Initiatives.url
                    Information Literacy - definitions and models.url
                    Information Literacy - Education.url
                    Information Literacy Executive Briefing 2012.url
                    Information Literacy In An Age Of Networked Knowledge.url
                    Information literacy - infiltrating the agenda, challenging minds.url
                    Information Literacy Journal Club.url
                    Information Literacy Landscape.url
                    Information Literacy - OERs.url
                    Information Literacy - Resources for Students.url
                    Information Literacy Weblog.url
                    Inquiry and Digital Literacy - Scoop.it.url
                    Institutionalizing Information Literacy.url
                    JISC Digital Literacy Workhop materials.url
                    JISc - Digital Literacy workshop outcomes.url
                    LearnHigher - Information Literacy.url
                    Learning Literacies.cmap
                    Learning Literacies in a Digital Age.url
                    Libraries and Transliteracy.url
                    Literacy in a Digital Age.url
                    Literacy in the Digital Age.url
                    LLiDA Project Report.url
                    Mark Federman.url
                    Martini Information Literacy - How doesanytime, anyplace, anywhere access to information change what Information Literacy means.url
                    Media Literacy.url
                    Media Literacy - the biggest enemy of UK digital literacy initiatives.url
                    Multi-stakeholder platform for digital literacy and e-Inclusion.url
                    New Literacies and Classroom Practice.url
                    New Literacies and Online Learning - Digital, Media, and Visual.url
                    New Literacies Research Lab.url
                    Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.url
                    Partnership for 21st Century Skills.url
                    Personalisation and Digital Literacy - events, frameworks and just thinking about learning.url
                    PILOT - Post Doc Information Literacy Online Tutorial.url
                    Project Co-PILOT.url
                    Project Information Literacy.url
                    Reach out and connect.url
                    Reading, Writing and New Media Literacies.url
                    Recommended Information literacy skills tutorials for undergraduates, taught post-graduates.url
                    Resource list.url
                    Resource listing.url
                    Seven Faces of Information Literacy in Higher Education.url
                    Seven types of ambiguity and new literacies.url
                    Skills for Learning 2.0.url
                    SLiDA case studies.url
                    Supporting Information Age Literacy in Higher Education.url
                    Supporting Learners in a Digital Age.url
                    Supporting undergraduate students of the future - developing a new curriculum for information literacy.url
                    TAG UCLan.url
                    The ABCs of Web Literacy.url
                    The Cambridge Curriculum for Information Literacy.url
                    The constant evolution of information literacy.url
                    The Critical Thinking Compendium.url
                    The DIDET Project.url
                    The Four Resources Model.url
                    The Future of Libraries is Transliteral.url
                    The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy.url
                    The Many Forms of Literacy.url
                    The Other 21st Century Skills.url
                    The relational model of IL, and what it means for PhDs.url
                    The Scottish Information Literacy Framework.url
                    The Seven Faces of Information Literacy.url
                    The Seven Pillars of Information Literacy.url
                    Time Magazine - How to build a student for the 21st century.url
                    Tools and Resources.url
                    Top Ten Social Media Competencies for Teachers.url
                    Transliteracy research Group.url
                    Transliteracy - Scoop.it.url
                    Understanding Digital Literacies - A Practical Introduction.url
                    Understanding New Media Literacies in a Paperless World.url
                    Univ Idaho - Info. Lit Resources.url
                    Visual Literacies Exploring Critical Issues.url
                    Visual Literacies - Exploring Critical Issues.url
                    Visual Literacies Exploring Critical Issues - project.url
                    Visual Literacy.org.url
                    Visual Notes from My Digital Literacy Course.url
                    Visual Representation and Learning.url
                    What are the effective tools and approaches used in information literacy.url
                    What digital literacies.url
                    What Does it Mean to be Literate in the 21st Century.url
                    What Do We Mean by Literacy Now.url
                    What is Digital (or Internet) Literacy.url
                    What is the link between information literacy (IL) and research skills.url
                    What is your conception of information literacy (IL).url
                    WSIS Community - Information Literacy.url
                    Youth and Digital Media - From Credibility to Information Quality.url
                    Zotero - Groups - Educational Technology - Library - Digital Literacy.url