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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ocular Disorders, Neoplasia more specifically Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Eye Examination must require Topical Anaesthesia, Exenteration involves Post Op Management, Inherited Third Eyelid Prolapse, Eyelid abnormalities which can be Inherited, Eye Removal involves knowledge of Anatomy of the Eye, Entropion Repair Includes Mild Penicillin, Pre-operative Preperation must have prior knowledge of Nerve Block, Eye Examination must require Regional Aneasthesia, Eye Removal methods include Indications, Inherited includes Entropion, Enucleation has two approaches Trans/Subconjunctival, Topical Anaesthesia like Proparacaine, Ectropion Acquired, Bovine Iritis has Economical Impacts, Eyelid abnormalities which can be Acquired, Nerve Block are Retrobulbar, Bovine Iritis has Clincal signs, Squamous Cell Carcinoma can be confused with Pink-Eye, Exenteration involves Complications