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Advantages and disadvantages (to R.P.).docx adv vs disadv.png anatomy of intestines.jpg anesthetic in cats.png colopexy precedure video.url Colopexy technique.docx enterectomy.jpg enterectomy procedure.docx enteroctomy procedure.docx enterotomy.jpg Indications and goals for Resection.docx inhalant anesthesia.png injectable anesthetics.png intraopPrecautions.docx inverted L block.jpg inverted l block procedure.jpg Inverted L block procedure.url materials and instruments.png minimizing risk.png monitoring.png monitoring an anesthetized dog.png PIC 1 - Copy.jpg Pre-anesthetic and anesthetic.url pre anesthetic preparation.png Prognosis and reason for treatment failures.docx Rectal prolapse precautions.docx rectal prolapse type and prognosis.png Rectal resection technique.docx resection & anastomosis.url reversal agents.png Types of anastomosis.docx Untitled 1.cmap video showing colopexy procedure.url video showing the use of the purse-string technique.url wall and layers of the intestine.jpg