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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Umbilical and Inguinal Hernias, Pre Operative Procedure involving Drugs used, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias requires a Knowledge of Types of hernia, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias concludes with Client Education, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias concludes with Aftercare, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias begin with Patient Analysis, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias requires a Knowledge of What is a hernia?, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias begin with Instrument Preparation, Intra Operative Procedures performed for Umbilical Hernia, Suture techniques and knots utilized for repair of Scrotal Hernia, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias begin with Pre Operative Procedure, Drugs used used for chemical Restraints, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias requires a Knowledge of Anatomy of hernia, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias concludes with Monitoring, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias begin with Preparation of the Surgical Site, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias begin with Consent Form, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias requires a Knowledge of Differential diagnosis, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias involves Intra Operative Procedures, Repair of Inguial and Umbilical Hernias concludes with Potential Complications, Drugs used including Calculations, Intra Operative Procedures performed for Scrotal Hernia