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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: case 2, closure of laceration (mo) layer 1 mucosa (mo), Post-operative guidelines Recovery: what to expect (mo), degloving teat laceration Intra-operative guidelines teat cistern laceration, Post-operative guidelines Prognosis (mo), mucosa (mo) layer 2 submucosa (mo), Anaesthetic Protocol (mo) Reversal agent reversal of potentially dangerous effects (mo), Anaesthetic Protocol (mo) Pre-anaesthetic medication Drugs and purpose (mo), [m.o] Teat Laceration Pre-Operative Guidelines Instrumentation, materials, tools and equipment, Anaesthetic Protocol (mo) Recovery Drugs and purpose (mo), degloving teat laceration Intra-operative guidelines [m.o] Parameters to monitor during the operation, [m.o] Teat Laceration Intra-operative guidelines teat cistern laceration, Anaesthetic Protocol (mo) Important information on drugs used Withdrawl periods Extra-label use (mo), Post-operative guidelines Complications reported (pre, intra & post-op), Post-operative guidelines Routine care, nursing & inspection (mo), same as step 2 closure using walking suture technique (mo), [m.o] Teat Laceration Types [m.o], [m.o] Teat Laceration Pre-Operative Guidelines Restraint, History/signalment, Patient prep & surgical site preparation are in GENERAL Pre-Op, Anaesthetic Protocol (mo) Induction Drugs given as boluses, teat cistern laceration step 1 debridement of wound (mo), submucosa (mo) layer 3 remainder of teat and skin (mo)