LNG Steam Simulator Exercise

019. Run the Simulator to Change over to Scoop Sea-water Circulation<

[Load Snapshot "Ex_009_Changing Over from DO to HFO_Burning"]

- Asssume scenario as described below [but check to confirm] and then follow the given procedures

Electrical Power:-

Shore Power:Off; Emergency Generator:Auto Stand-by; Turbo Generators:One on load and the other off; Diesel Generator:On Load


Full with guage glass reading between 60~70 mm

Both Boilers:-

Both Boiler Press - aboout 6 Mpa; Both boilers are running on HFO supply.


Condenser Vacuum is Satisfactory and Cooling on

Distilled Water Tank (DWT) & Atmospheric Drain Tank (ADT):-

Both DWT & ADT about 60% full.

>> Procedure to prepare Main Sea Water Cooling (Ship Speed More than 8 Knots):-

Main Condenser:
1 Open the Scoop by clicking on the button.
2 Ensure the Main Circ. Overboard valve is open.
3 Stop SW Main Circ pump(s).
4 Put a SW MAin Circ. Pump into standby and keep valves open.


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