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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Untitled, PRACTICAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA gaining information about the patient before conducting any procedures, PRACTICAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA PROCEDURE II Epidural Anaesthesia, PRACTICAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA PROCEDURE III Paravertebral Anaesthesia ????, Signalment: ɛ year old, 450 kg Holstein cow. I.D. #126 observational examination Distance Examination, which can be divided into... Post-Procedure, Signalment: ɛ year old, 450 kg Holstein cow. I.D. #126 hands on examination Physical Examination, ???? which can be divided into... Pre-Procedure, which can be divided into... Pre- Procedure, ???? which can be divided into... Post- Procedure, Example: surgery of the eye is required Auriculopalbebral Anaesthesia, Signalment: ɛ year old, 450 kg Holstein cow. I.D. #126, ???? which can be divided into... Intra- Procedure, ???? which can be divided into... Intra- Procedure, which can be divided into... Intra- Procedure, which can be divided into... Pre- Procedure, ???? which can be divided into... Pre- Procedure, PRACTICAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA Drugs 10% Ketamin, which can be divided into... Intra- Procedure, which can be divided into... Post-Procedure, PRACTICAL ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA PROCEDURE IV IV Regional Anaesthesia ????